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Librarian Job

 Steel Education Society, Bhilai एडहाक टीचर की नियुक्ति स्टील एजुकेशन सोसायटी, भिलाई, द्वारा भिलाई इस्पात संयंत्र के भिलाई एवं हिरीं स्थित स्कूलों के लिए विभिन्न विषयों के लिए एडहाक टीचर, एकेडमिक वर्ष 2024-25 हेतु आवेदन आमंत्रित किये जाते है। पद-1. अनुभवी टीचर (पात्रता न्यूनतम 10 वर्ष का अनुभव एवं 01 अप्रैल 2024 को आयु 64 वर्ष से अधिक नही होनी चाहिए) 2. ट्रेनी टीचर (पात्रता-55 प्रतिशत के साथ स्नातक 50 प्रतिशत के साथ स्नातकोत्तर उत्तीर्ण एवं बी.एड. डिग्री अनिवार्य) 3. ट्रेनी लैब तकनीशियन (पात्रता-बी.एस.सी. उत्तीर्ण) 4. ट्रेनी लाइब्रेरियन (पात्रता-बी. लाइब्रेरियन उत्तीर्ण)। आवेदन फार्म को ऑनलाईन लिंक https:// education-soci में भरना होगा। तत्पश्चात, ऑनलाइन आवेदन में घोषित ई-मेल में आवेदन का साफ्ट कॉपी (Soft copy) भेजा जाएगा। इस साफ्ट कॉपी का प्रिंट निकालकर उसके साथ अपने शैक्षणिक योग्यता तथा अनुभव के सर्टिफिकेट एवं पासपोर्ट साइज (Passport size) फोटो संलग्न कर दिनांक 30.04.2024 तक रूम नम्बर-08, कर्मचारी सेवाये विभाग, पुराना हॉस्पिटल बिल्डिंग, सेक्टर-05,

Library Legislation in India

India has several laws and regulations that govern the establishment, maintenance, and functioning of libraries in the country. Here are some of the most notable library legislation in India: 1. The Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act, 1954: This act provides for the delivery of books and newspapers to public libraries in the country. Under this act, publishers of books and newspapers are required to send a copy of each publication to the National Library in Kolkata, the State Central Library in each state, and the public libraries specified by the state government. 2. The National Library of India Act, 1976: This act provides for the establishment and maintenance of the National Library of India in Kolkata. The National Library of India is the largest library in the country, and serves as a repository of all publications in India. 3. The Public Libraries Act, 1948: This act provides for the establishment and maintenance of public libraries in the country. Under this act, the state government is required to establish and maintain a public library system in each district. 4. The Copyright Act, 1957: This act provides for the protection of literary, artistic, and scientific works, including books, periodicals, and other publications. Under this act, authors, publishers, and other creators of works are granted exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and sell their works. 5. The Right to Information Act, 2005: This act provides for the right of citizens to access information held by public authorities, including libraries. Under this act, citizens have the right to request information from public libraries, and the libraries are required to provide the information within a specified time frame. These are some of the most notable library legislation in India. The laws and regulations governing libraries in India are aimed at promoting the access to information, protecting intellectual property rights, and ensuring the efficient functioning of libraries in the country.


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